It is now New Years Day 2013! I brought in the new year on the beach in Ventura this year.
This time of year I can't resist looking at both the past and future. Although I do not entirely know what this year has in store for me I have some general plans and goals that will impact my life as well as events that I want to participate in and decisions that I have to make.
It is my senior year at the University of Washington in Seattle and I am spending my winter break in Camarillo with family and friends as I usually do. However, something about this break feels a little different that past winter breaks in cam. I have done the same typical things but now being 4 years out of high school and catching up with friends and hearing about people has made me feel old. The majority of my friends seem to either be married, have a baby, and/or be in a serious relationship. I can't believe that I am at a point in my life where I adult....
Yes, at 18 I was legally an adult and at 21 I could legally drink but now I am having to think about graduation, living on my own, funding my own expenses, a real job, and joining the real world. CRAZY! Sometimes I wish I could go back to when I was a kid in North Carolina and run around outside with my friends and no care in the world. Time really does fly by.
I have never done anything drastic when it comes to new years resolutions which I attribute to the fact that I am mostly happy with the way that I live my life.
Some large events and milestones that I anticipating for 2013 include:
- Doing my first half Ironman 70.2 in Lake Stevens, WA in July
- Graduating from UW with a BA in Earth and Space Sciences and minor in Anthropology at the end of next fall
- Traveling after I graduate (potentially doing NOLS in Africa) and then going to South America
- Getting a "real job" and living on my own